Signage for The Health Sector

About our Signage for The Health Sector

At Visual Group, we provide high quality and durable signage solutions for the health sector. We understand the importance of accurate and effective signage, especially when it concerns wayfinding signage in healthcare environments, whereby a high proportion of first-time visitors need clear directions.

Signage examples:
• Post Signs for displays at height.
• Braille/Taktyle Signs.
• Sensory Room Signage and Active Floor Graphics.
• Wall Graphics.
• Built Up Lettering.

We will collaborate closely with you to ensure that every sign is tailored for its intended purpose.

The Process

Our streamlined process begins with a comprehensive understanding of your healthcare facility’s unique requirements. We consider the specific challenges of your environment and carefully plan the strategic placement of signage throughout your premises. From clearly visible Floor Decals to accessibility friendly graphics, we design signage with functionality in mind too.

Ensuring Consistent Results

Consistency and precision are the hallmarks of our work in the health sector. We are dedicated to delivering results that enhance the overall experience of patients, staff, and visitors alike. Whether it’s Banner Graphics that convey essential information or Fascia Signage that reinforces your branding.

Every step of the way we will prioritise your needs, with accessibility and visibility at the forefront. Contributing to a welcoming and efficient healthcare environment.

Are you ready to elevate your health signage to new heights? Trust Visual Group to deliver reliable and effective solutions for all your signage needs by contacting us today.

Memberships and Accreditations

Visual Group is a part of the Centurion Europe Ltd associated group of companies and all our work is carried out by accredited professionals.